Mackerel Bonbons at The Shed

Sep 29, 2015

Chef: Mike Cartmell at The Shed, Bembridge
Mackerel Bonbons with a beetroot horseradish puree
& Parmesan crisps
“Wow your family & friends with this simple yet beautiful twist on a traditional starter/canapés”
Mike serves 4 as a starter or 8 as canapés
2 Smoked mackerel fillets
1 tsp freshly grated horseradish root
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp full fat cream cheese lightly whipped (use C
rème Fraiche for a lighter touch)
Lemon juice from ½ a freshly squeezed lemon
50grm unsalted butter
100grm Blue poppy seeds
Maldon Sea salt & Cracked black pepper to taste
2 medium beetroot peeled & diced
1tsp grated fresh horseradish root
1tbsp Double cream (or Crème fraiche)
Parmesan Crisps:
200 grm Grated good quality parmesan
Pre heat the oven to 180 C
1. Bring a pan of water to the boil & add the beetroot return to the boil & simmer until soft & falls off the prongs of a fork when stabbed. Drain off the liquid but retain it for later use & allow to cool.
2. Remove the skin carefully & any pin bones you may find. Roughly break up & place in the bowl of a food processor with the Horseradish, Mustard, Black pepper, sea salt, Cream cheese (or crème fraiche) lemon juice, & blend till smooth. Finally tip in the butter & gently blitz on slow speed to incorporate into the mix.


3. Roll by hand into small balls approximately the size of a largish cherry tomato. Set aside in the fridge to stiffen (approximately 10 minutes.)
4. Whilst the pate is chilling liquidise the beetroot & horseradish until very smooth. Pass the puree through a fine sieve to remove any bits. Transfer to a bowl & combine the Double cream (Crème Fraiche). Add as much of the beetroot water as you may need to slightly loosen the mix until you have a fairly thick creamy consistency.
5. Remove the mackerel balls from the fridge & gently roll in the poppy seeds to evenly cover & return to the fridge.
6. Using a chef ring or large pastry cutter to control the size, place one tbsp. of the grated parmesan onto a baking tray lined with baking parchment to make rounds of the cheese. Place the tray into the oven for 5mins or until melted & lightly golden. Remove from the oven & allow to cool. Using a fish slice gently separate the parmesan crisps from the paper. Do not attempt this whilst still warm.
7. Arrange a smear of the puree on your serving plate & place 3-4 of the balls in a line down the centre of the plate. Place the parmesan crisps beside each of the balls & serve.
Patron: Toby Davies
The Shêd 4 High Street Bembridge PO355SD