
More than a magazine…

“In over 11 years as the Island’s leading lifestyle publication, Style of Wight has always passionately championed local and independent businesses; in fact, we only accept advertising from those with a direct link to the Island. Celebrating our Island’s unique community spirit informs everything we do and is central to our ethos and visual identity.” –– Christian Warren, Founder and Editor.

T: 07766445299 or  01983 861007


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We are happy to discuss any advertising campaigns or ideas you have, and can design your advert for you if required. We will always try to accommodate your individual needs and requirements.

I had lunch with my publisher Peter Cross at the Royal yesterday. He has spent a lifetime in the printing and publishing trade. He said that your latest ‘Style of Wight’ was the finest quality magazine he has ever seen in terms of both editorial and artwork & graphics.

Professor Robin MCInnes


Just wanted to thank you for the superb piece on Artisan in the new issue. It is always rewarding to see your vision and hard work being presented so beautifully!

Phil Gilbraith

Inns of Distinction

Whenever I have liaised with any of your colleagues, nothing was too much trouble, they took the time to listen and understand the product so they could apply their expertise in their field.  Jo in particular was such a pleasure to spend time with on the couple of occasions we met – at a workshop and for lunch at The Piano cafe when we talked through and then together edited her draft for the content.  I’m very impressed by the professionalism shown at every interaction, be it in person, by phone or email. I know that what shows on the surface isn’t a reflection of what goes on behind the scenes, it is of course the same in any business.  So well done, and thank you again for providing such a fabulous portrayal of our products and business, which is essential for our marketing efforts as a new and local micro business.  

Kathy Chillistone & Dave winter

ChilliWinter Isle of Wight Ltd.

Thank you so much for the amazing Pumpkin piece in the magazine, I am very grateful.  We have had so many people call & visit after reading it in the magazine, it’s brilliant. A great issue and I love the front cover.

Sarah Guy

At Sarah’s House

We received our copies of the Jan/Feb edition yesterday and it looks absolutely amazing, beautiful in fact! Excellent layout and design and great articles all done to a very high standard and much appreciated by us as one of your advertisers! – we are very happy with our page in the Bride section for The Sugar Store.

Louisa Mamakou

Communications & Marketing Officer, Cowes Harbour Commission

Quick one to congratulate you and the team on the food section of the latest issue. Across those pages, you guys have positioned Island food in a really attractive and accessible way. It’s classic ‘food-tourism’ content and exactly what’s needed – not just for the venues showcased but for the image and appeal of the region/brand as a whole. The knock-on effect of building this momentum will be felt by all those who live, work and play here.

Barnaby Edwards

Director, The Garlic Farm

I often flick through your magazine as I grew up on the Island and my family still live over there ,so we visit quite regularly. I always enjoy reading style of Wight and I wanted to tell you how I found the financial advice section in the January/ February edition very informative and easy to read. Having worked in the financial industry and being a big believer in financial protection I think we don’t have enough of this information out there, a lot of it is confusing and full of ‘jargon’ and this puts people off reading it. Well done! 


Regular Reader, Southampton

I’ve just seen a copy of your Bridal publication and I have to say it’s the best one I’ve seen on the Island. It is not only pleasing on the eye it’s actually blooming useful too, great editorial concept on all the venues.

Claire Willis

Managing Director, Isle of Wight Radio & Beacon Media

We just wanted to say how pleased we are with the service that we have received from both Carol and Laura- who both have had endless patience with us and have worked really hard to get us an advert that we can be proud of, we are extremely pleased with how it has come out in the latest edition and look forward to a long working relationship with you all.

Georgia McCarthy

Partner, Waterside Properties Isle of Wight

Received and read the Drift page in the latest edition and we wanted to feedback a huge positive. We feel that the tone of the piece is excellent and accurately reflects what we do; avoiding the idea of “nice excuse for a holiday” or “pretend fair-trade” that some, less considered, copy can suggest. We’re rather proud of the provenance of our stock and the method we use to source them so are rather sensitive to how this is portrayed. This piece was bang on!

John & Katia
