Roasted Fillet of Sea Bream with Peppenatta Salad, Chorizo and Olive Oil

Jul 6, 2016

This is a nice, light dish with bold Mediterranean flavours… Really easy to serve and takes no time at all to prep.


Pan fry the fish skin side down on medium heat. Don’t be tempted to move, poke or touch the fish; just leave to cook for approximately 4 minutes, until the fish looks cooked most of the way through.

Take the fish out of the pan and add the olive oil, then all the other ingredients.

Lastly add the fish back to the pan flesh side down and leave to sit for 2 minutes off the heat, before serving.

Top Tip

To roast the peppers, preheat the oven to 250C.

Coat the peppers in olive oil and salt and place in the preheated oven until the peppers are almost black. Take out the oven and wrap in cling film, before placing in the fridge and allowing to cool.

Unwrap the peppers from the cling film and rinse under running water, the skins should simply fall away from the flesh.

Ingredients (Serves 4)

For the fish:

4x Sea Bream fillets

200g Diced Chorizo

For the salad:

1 Red / Yellow / Green pepper, roasted and skinned

35g Baby capers

10 Leaves of Basil

70g Toasted pine nuts

5 Cloves of confit garlic

5 Olives

150g Torn, dried bread

100ml Olive Oil