Pride Launch Party

Jan 26, 2017

Pride is coming to the Isle of Wight!

As announced at the end of last year, the Islands first Pride event is to be held in Ryde on the 15th of July. To celebrate, the Isle of Wight Pride committee have organised a Launch Party – we certainly aren’t going to miss out on a good party!

The party will take place at Coburgs in Ryde, on Friday the 10th of February. Promising to be great evening with a whole host of different performances including; live music, drag, and cabaret. This is an inclusive event, open to everyone. Tickets will be available on the door for £5, with all money raised going towards Isle of Wight Pride.

There will be an opportunity to network, and to find out how you can be involved in Wight Pride. The event needs lots of volunteers to help make it a success – so get involved!

Members of the committee with be available, and will be talking about the exciting plans for the July event. Whether you’re a business wanting to sponsor Pride, a business wanting to host a stall at pride, or a member on the community wanting to volunteer your expertise and experience; there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

We look forward to seeing you all there!