Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Feb 10, 2017

For those who have found the one, or even the one who will do for now, Valentines day is just around the corner and the pressure to plan a great date is on!

With us all just emerging from the January hibernation I doubt many of us had given February 14th much thought until the shops began to fill with offers on chocolates and huge teddy bears. Sometimes it can feel like Valentine’s is all about expensive gifts, and spending a lot of money. Here at Style we want to strip Valentine’s day back down to the basics; spending quality time with the person you love, and celebrating your relationship.

We have come up with a few date / activity ideas that wont break the bank, that celebrate the Island, and bring you and your loved one together. Lets love being in love!


Star Gazing

Very little light pollution along the west coast of the Island, makes it a great place to star gaze. We would recommend; Atherfield Bay, Compton Bay and Downs, and St Catherine’s Down. Grab a blanket, wrap up warm, and look up together.


Sunset On The Beach

The winter months may bring the cold, but they also bring beautiful sunsets. We live on an Island, so lets make the most of our beaches; treat yourselves to some fish and chips, maybe some bubbles, head to the beach, and enjoy the sun set, knowing that you’re ending another day sat next to the person you love.


Technology Free 24 Hours

At Style we love technology, but we also see how it can distract us from spending time with our loved ones. Many couples now spend more time texting then they do talking, so lets bring back the connection and put the screens away!


Draw Or Paint One Another

Ever wondered how your partner sees you? Well this is a great opportunity to find out just that! Set your selves up facing one another and get creative. *We don’t take any responsibility for break ups or divorces that occur as a result of this activity!*


Romantic Walk

Here on the Isle of Wight we are lucky enough to have beautiful county and coastal walks on our doorstep. Explore and enjoy our beautiful Island hand in hand with the one you love. A favourite walk of ours is the Headon Warren trail, a beautiful walk with stunning views of the Needles. Great spot for a photo!


Make A Blanket Fort And Watch A Movie

Rediscover your inner child and build a blanket fort together. Once your comfort castle is complete, snuggle in together and put on your favourite film. Revel in the simplicity!

Old Fashioned Mix tape

Make your relationship mix tape together. The mixed tape could contain your favourite songs, be songs that mark significant points in your relationship, or a collecting of your favourite love songs.

Happy Valentine’s Day!