Beef Ragu Rissotto

May 15, 2017

Beef Ragu Risotto recipe from the Bistro, Ventnor.

This is the recipe you can find on page 65 in the May/June issue of our lovely little magazine.

You will need;

Roast beef left over from Sunday roast
Tinned Tomatoes
Bit of garlic
Bit of dried oregano
Chili flakes (tiny pinch, or big pinch if you’re brave)
Salt and Pepper
Chopped onion
Chicken Stock cube
About a pint of water
Cooked rice (preferably risotto rice)
Blue cheese (we recommend I.O.W blue)

All ingredients are to taste…

  1. Chop beef into bite size pieces
  2. Put all ingredients, except rice, into a large sauce pan and slow cook with lid on for at least 1 hour, or place in slow cooker for 2 to 3 hours.
  3. Once beef in tender it is done!
  4. Mix with cooked rice and place in an oven proof dish
  5. Place some blue cheese on top and bake for 20-30 min

Enjoy with wine and fresh bread.