The Ultimate Turkey Sandwhich

Dec 13, 2017

What to do with that left over Turkey. Curry, chilli, maybe even a pie? Or how about this ultimate sandwich recipe from Phil Gilbraith, Inns of Distinction.

In these eco friendly times recycling has become the norm, and rightly so, but we should remember we have all been recycling food for generations. We have returned to the previous days cooking to make new dishes from left overs since we shopped on Ice age plains rather that Iceland.

Leftover turkey dishes for boxing day are nothing new either. So, do you really want another turkey sandwich recipe? Yes you do, you want this one.

Do’t use butter on the brioche bun, dip it in yesterday’s Christmas gravy, pile on slices of cold turkey and thinly sliced crisp pear. Next a couple of rashers of crisp smoked bacon and leftover cabbage that you have refried in butter until hot and crackling. Thinly shaved chestnut next and then the gravy bun on top. What to serve it with? Well, lets keep it classy; pickled onions and crisps obviously.

It’s a real pile it high feast, perfect for when you haven’t indulged enough over Christmas.

Photography by Christian Warren.

Le creuset ramekins, beer glass, salt and pepper mill and oven cloth available from Hursts, Newport.