Mumma’s Cakey Bars

Jan 16, 2018

Mumma’s Cakey Bars

By editorial assistant Chloe Gwinnett

A lunch box staple, these were so popular that we would take spares to school which would then be divided into tiny morsels amongst our friends. The tray bake has the advantage of being a ‘throw it all in the bowl bake’ and can be adapted to suit any flavour fancy.


130g Butter
70g Demerara sugar
70g Caster sugar
190g Self-raising flour
1 Beaten egg
Zest of half a lemon
A few drops of lemon extract
120g of Raisins/sultanas


Heat the oven to about 170°C. Melt the butter in the microwave or over the stove before adding it to the mixing bowl along with the demerara and caster sugar. Then add the lemon zest, a few drops of lemon extract, and then making sure the melted butter has cooled, add the beaten egg to the mix. Once combined, beat in the self-raising flour until combined. The mix should be relatively wet and shiny. Finally add the raisins/sultanas and mix in until evenly distributed.
Line a 6.5×10 inch baking tray with baking parchment (for no other reason then to save on the washing up) and spread evenly within the tin – wet hands is the families preferred method for this.
Bake for approximately 25 minutes or until golden brown. Once baked, allow to cool in the tin for a few minutes before colling fully on a cooling rack and cutting into bars.

If you’re looking at making a chocolate version, reduce the flour to 175g and add 15g of coca powder and replace the sultanas with chocolate chips.

Best baked and served under the unwavering pressure of hungry children.