May 13, 2019

Too many people join a gym and give up far too quickly because they aren’t immediately seeing the results they were hoping for. And who can blame them? Whatever that goal is – people naturally want to see progress towards it. Very often it is because they have joined up and are left to fend for themselves. That is perfect for some people but not for everyone, some people need a little more help and guidance.


With #getfitfor we have started our new campaign that guarantees results. If you stick to the programme we create together – you WILL see progress.  Of course this isn’t a miracle cure – you really only get out what you are willing to put in – but by seeing how the changes you are making are working – your motivation will soar and keep you moving forwards.


Come and sign up and you will be given a set of measurable goals and the support necessary to help you achieve them. Our highly-skilled staff will help write you the right bespoke programme to get you started and then, through regular one-to-one sessions, ensure that you are on the right path it terms of not only exercise, but also nutrition.

Everyone will need different levels of support and our team are there to help deliver it.


Whatever you want to get fit for, get fit at 1Leisure


For more information see or call 01983 823880