Style of Wight Children’s Writing Competition

Jan 18, 2021

After a year on pause, Style of Wight Magazine is delighted to announce the relaunch of its Children’s Writing Competition, which gives young Island authors the chance to have their stories published. 

All stories must be under 500 words; otherwise, entrants have total creative freedom. Your story could be about unicorns or UFOs, narwhals or ninjas; it might take place on Mars or the Mottistone Longstone, the Serengeti or Sandown Bay. Alliteration optional. You could cram an entire lifetime into 500 words or pen a 50 second stream-of-consciousness (ask your English teacher on that one). Your story, your way.

Young writers have until 2nd September to submit their work. In the Autumn, entries will be judged by a panel of publishing professionals, including award-winning Island author Kieran Larwood. Winners will have their work published in an illustrated anthology in December 2021, with all profits going to the IW Story Festival. 

Young authors may submit their work either by post – Style of Wight, 8 Salisbury Gardens, Dudley Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1EJ or email –

Teachers – spread the word. Parents – sow the seed. Young people – get writing!

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