Wolverton Manor Garden Fair

Wolverton Manor Garden Fair

This year, Wolverton Manor Garden Fair will be celebrating its' 20th anniversary- taking place Saturday 31st August - Sunday 1st September. Funds raised over the last 2 decades by the volunteers have exceed £200,000 and have benefitted Age UK (IoW) and numerous other...

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Haddon Lake House Garden

Haddon Lake House Garden

A Jewel in the Undercliff Crown Haddon Lake House built on what was formerly part of the pleasure grounds of the Victorian mansion, Old Park, is a contemporary house and extensive garden, that has been restored to glory by award winning garden designer Phillippa...

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Feed the Birds…With At Sarah’s House

Feed the Birds…With At Sarah’s House

Make your garden friends happy with this simple, tasty bird treat... 1. Gently melt some lard or suet in a pan or microwave 2. Leave to cool slightly. 3. Add seeds, nuts or old bread and mix. 4. Shape into balls. Tip: You can also use yoghurt pots or similar as moulds...

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Make Your Own Birdhouse…With At Sarah’s House

Make Your Own Birdhouse…With At Sarah’s House

If you love watching the birds that visit your garden, why not encourage them to move in! This birdhouse is easy for children to make with the supervision and help of an adult, and you can adapt the design to suit the birds you wish to attract. You will need: Wood...

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A guide to Wintering Birds

A guide to Wintering Birds

As the autumn migration draws to a close, large numbers of wintering birds can be been arriving on our shores. Lack of food in the colder climes of Northern Europe drives a variety of birds south, and although food is more plentiful here, you may still want to help...

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